Partners Advantage Blog

How to Introduce Yourself to a Prospect

Written by Partners Advantage | Tue, Oct 04, 2016 @ 10:12 PM

Regardless of how you choose to prospect for new clients, whether it’s workshops, direct mail, or referrals, you must be able to create the ultimate experience for every person you interact with. You should stand out as the top financial services professional in your community.

Before They Walk Through Your Door

What happens after you have an appointment set with a prospect and you have the very first meeting upcoming? Do you send out anything to the prospect? And I'm not talking about product brochures. Do you even have any printed materials that enlighten prospects about you, your company, or your comprehensive planning process? If not, this is one of the biggest things that sets apart the most successful producers from the others.

Address Potential Anxiety

Think about it this way. Your prospect probably does not know very much about you as an advisor. They probably have some anxiety about the upcoming appointment. They probably have some anxiety that you’re going to try and "hard sell" them something in the first appointment. Wouldn’t it be great to immediately lower all of your prospect’s anxiety?

Send a First Appointment Letter

Try this out - before your first meeting with a prospect send out a first appointment letter. You letter will include the details of the date, time, location and what all to bring along. Make sure you include a copy of your comprehensive planning process so that the prospect knows exactly what to expect. This letter helps ease the stress and concerns that they may have with financial planning.

First Impression Kit

We highly encourage all of our advisors and producers to have First Impression Kits. These professionally designed and printed materials are used with each and every prospect. These kits help you stand out and elevate you above your competition. The materials in the kits should be professionally designed by a graphic designer so your brochures, letters, biographies, business cards, and written planning process documents represent a cohesive brand when they are presented to your prospects. By using a First Impression Kit, you will find you have less cancellations and better overall appointments with your prospect because you are introducing yourself in a professional way.

Prospects may find your business on social media before meeting you in person. Learn the steps to successfully market your business online with social media in our free ebook. Fill out the form below to get your copy!